Scanning QR Codes

Reading QR codes is supported in Macs with a built-in camera or iSight compatible camera.

  1. Select the File > Scan… menu item or the Scan toolbar item.

  2. The scanning panel is then displayed. As the camera activates, the scanning panel will display the camera feed.

  3. Scanning for QR codes will start as soon as the camera feed begins. Hold up a QR code to the camera making sure enough light illuminates to get a good capture. To cancel scanning simply select the Close button.

  4. Once an QR code is scanned, the camera feed will pause. The image of the scanned QR code will display along with the text decoded from the QR code.

  5. If the scanned QR code is a URL, clicking Open Link will immediately open the link in a browser. Choosing the Save button will save the QR code image and text to your journal. If you don't wish to save the scanned QR code click Skip to return to the camera feed for scanning another QR code or Close to finish scanning altogether.