Tea Timer

A simple timer designed for steeping tea.


Tea Timer

TeaTimer is a simple timer designed for steeping tea. When launched the app will place an icon in the menu bar. Simply choose the steeping time and an alert will pop when the time is up.

I wrote this to thwart overly steeped tea caused by too many distractions on my computer. I hope it allows you to enjoy tea as it should be. Cheers!


Current Version:

Version 1.8 for Mac OS X 10.14 to 10.15

Legacy Versions:

Version 1.6 for Mac OS X 10.7 to 10.13

See change log for history.


  1. Download

    After downloading the above .DMG file, double click to open. You'll be presented with a disk image containing the application.

  2. Copy to Applications directory

    Simply drag it to your Applications directory. You might be prompted by your system for an administrator password.

  3. Launch as needed

    Just double click and you'll see the tea cup in your menu bar. See below for more.

  4. (Optional) Set as startup item

    To get TeaTimer to appear on startup, open System Preferences and in the "Users and Groups" preferences, add the Login Item for your account. Set as startup item

How To Use

Tea Timer menu

When launched, TeaTimer will show in the menu bar.

Set the time with the up and down arrows. Select "Start Timer" to begin the countdown. Re-opening the menu will show the time left. Once time has elapsed an alert or notification will pop letting you know the timer is done.

Press Option key and click arrows to advance time in larger increments.

The last 10 timers will appear in the history list. You can also cancel the currently running timer.

Hold Option key while opening menu to reveal "Clear History" option.

Have Feedback?

Let me know if you have any problems with using TeaTimer or if you have suggestions for future versions. My time to answer emails is a bit spotty to say the least but I'll try my best to answer your questions.

Special Thanks

I'd like to thank Erik Porter for the great icon!


If you find TeaTimer useful and would like to make a donation, click on the PayPal button to make a donation from your PayPal account or from a credit card.

Or use Square Cash: cash.me/$JoshJacob

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